Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fellow Etsians: check out this funny blog post!

Found this while cruising through the forums today and had to share!

If you have ever been offered advice about how to improve your Etsy store, you will get a giggle out of this!

Starting off on a better foot

The season that I prosper most in is coming up! I would like to make this year better than last year (which was definitely the slowest year I have had in the past 10 I must say) and to accomplish that goal I am really going to put myself out there this year. I am going to represent my product and I am going to sell sell sell!

I am going to take advantage of the tools that I have at my disposal. I will blog, I will chat, I will use my Google analytics! I will find people to follow my blog, so I can create a community of support! Face Book, Twitter look out HERE I COME!

Who's with me!?!