Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bernat Mosaic Yarn

I picked  up two skeins of  Bernat Mosaic Yarn this week.  One Waterfalls and one Psychedelic. I started slowly with the Waterfalls, making a really nice bracelet as a custom order for a friend, but with the Psychedelic, I really wanted to see how the colors come out so I jumped right in and made a hat. 

A few notes on this yarn:
1) The striping on the hat is perfect!  If I had more patience, the stripes would meet seamlessly.
2) I have decided to market this yarn as "Vegan fake wool"  It has the look and the feel of wool, yet it is 100% acrylic!
3) I would definitely buy this yarn again.  I bought the last skein of Psychedelic at my local  Jo-Ann Fabrics, but hopefully they will be restocking soon, as I think this may be a popular hat!  I would also like to try some other patterns with this yarn.

I love sharing my reviews of yarn with people.  Any yarn you would like to know about?  I have tried nearly all of the mainstream brands!  Let me know, or just wait for it to come around!


Diana said...

Sorry I can't help you with any reviews on yarn. I tried crocheting a toque once and it looked more like a bucket. I don't know how that happened! I need to try again I think!

Your stuff looks so warm and cozy though! You should also look at posting some on - it's totally free.

Nuala said...

Wow! Thanks for the tip I will certainly check it out!